Elevate your practice

Practice resources

From coding and reimbursement to quality improvement, SIR offers a collection of resources designed to help physicians navigate challenges and opportunities in this new era of health care. SIR also provides tips and advice for real-world issues facing today's medical practices.

Health policy, economics and coding  


The 2025 edition of the Interventional Radiology (IR) coding update is a valuable resource providing information essential to correctly coding and billing IR services. The 2025 coding resource outlines the rules, guidelines, and systems governing how coding should be done. In addition, this vital reference contains changes in CPT 2025 codes, procedures frequently performed with practical coding guidance in each section, common coding questions, and charge sheets to help capture chargeable services. The 2025 edition is available in an electronic format for easy navigation. SIR members can access the e-publication for free. Non-members can also access this resource at a fee. Visit the IR Business Center.

Maximize your IR practice’s profitability.



2025 Navigator® Interventional Radiology Procedures: This manual is a comprehensive reference guide for interventional procedure coding. The manual explains the procedure technique, coding guidelines (including references), documentation requirements, bundling rules, and coverage limitations for each interventional procedure. The guide also explains Medicare reimbursement policies, such as the multiple procedure payment reduction (MPPR) regulations and the correct coding initiative.  

2025 Navigator® Evaluation and Management Services for Radiology: This reference manual will help you eliminate the confusion surrounding radiology evaluation and management (E/M) services and determine when to report an E/M code and which code to report. If your radiology practice currently bills for E/M services or is considering billing for them, this book is a must-have.

Get your 2025 Navigators today


Access Business Institute virtual series On-demand 

SIR Business Institute 2023 on-demand is available here.



The IR Business Center is an online marketplace that connects stakeholders to buy and sell services/products. This marketplace is a "multi-vendor space" that offers real convenience to consumers, providing users access to SIR resources and relevant suppliers’ inventory electronically. Interventional radiologists and their practice managers can access different vendors and their services/products.


Guidelines and statements



The Guidelines and Statements Division of the SIR provides a framework of evidence-based clinical practice documents to ensure patient safety and enhance the delivery of patient care.


View guidelines and statements


Clinical notification on paclitaxel (as of Sept. 1, 2020).

SIR has been working for the past year as part of a Paclitaxel Coalition with other professional societies, including ACC, AHA, ACR, ESVS, SVM, SCAI, SVS, and SCVS. This multi-specialty coalition has engaged in a continued dialogue with the FDA and device manufacturers to address the concerns of our membership and the patients we serve. A Multi-Specialty Paclitaxel Coalition created these talking points as a collaborative effort to help coalition members and others informing patients about the Paclitaxel Safety Signal. Please see the final Peripheral Vascular Intervention Talking Points.

SIR has released a clinical notification on paclitaxel and its use in clinical care for patients with peripheral arterial disease.  Read the full notification.



Quality improvement 

The Quality Payment Program, established through the 2015 Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), is the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' new medicare reimbursement program, replacing the sustainable growth rate (SGR) and a patchwork of programs focused on resources use, health information and quality with this value-based program.

Learn more about the Quality Payment Program and what MACRA means for you on our Quality improvement page.


Imaging 3.0 logo


The American College of Radiology's Imaging 3.0™ provides concrete steps to allow all radiologists to take a leadership role in shaping America's future health care system.

In a series of case studies, ACR showcases interventional radiologists as pioneers in many areas, including the diagnosis and treatment of patients using the least invasive techniques available. In this new era of Imaging 3.0, IR specialists are finding innovative ways to minimize risks and improve health outcomes for patients.

IR or DR?

IR or DR?

Crack the healthcare provider code

The Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code identifies specialties for service providers in insurance claims. Appropriate use of specialty codes reduces inappropriate suspensions, improves the quality of the utilization data and, in the case of IR, allows billing for evaluation and management codes. The SIR Economics Committee urges all IRs to verify with all of your insurance carriers that you are registered as code 94—interventional radiology.

Code properly for IR

Quality and safety updates

One of SIR’s primary goals is ensuring high-quality outcomes and patient safety. New updates are available now.

Read More

Coding decoded

SIR’s Health Policy and Economics team provides information on the varied activities the society engages in to ensure proper coding of interventional radiology services. SIR is committed to assisting you, your institution and your staff in submitting accurate claims for reimbursement of services provided.

Learn More

Practice development:

Supporting all practice models

SIR supports greater patient access to IR care and an IR’s ability to thrive in his or her chosen practice model. Members of the Private Practice Advisory Committee support the development and distribution of toolkits and resources that support members in building high quality, successful IR practices.  




Strengthen your practice

Strengthen your practice

SIR toolkits lead the way

SIR has developed a series of toolkits to promote and advance the practice of interventional radiology and to assist members in strengthening practice or organizational performance.

Using SIR toolkits ensures that you are meeting requirements, learning best practices and delivering the best possible outcomes for patients.

See all toolkits