The Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Section was established within SIR to provide a forum in which Advanced Practice Nurses (i.e., Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Nurse Specialists) or Physician Assistants, can work together to exchange information, education and resources to excel.
In addition to the general mission and vision of the Society as set forth in the Bylaws, the objectives of this section shall be:
Section Chair |
Angela Nash, PA, PhD |
Section Vice Chair |
(TBD) |
Section Past Chair |
Carrie Hayes, MS, PA |
Section Secretary |
Brittany Sugimoto, PA |
Annual Meeting Planning Committee Chair |
Lyndsey Ritze, PA |
Continuing Education Committee Chair |
Tali Fudim, NP |
Membership Chair |
Nicholas Oravetz, PA-C |
Clinical Practice Committee Chair |
Danielle Katz, NP |
The NP and PA Annual Meeting Planning Committee works tirelessly every year to produce robust programming for advanced practice providers at the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting. There are three events specifically designed for section members and other advanced practice providers onsite:
Members of SIR and the NP and PA section receive a special member registration rate, and are strongly encouraged to attend.
SIR Annual Scientific Meeting website
Over the last 20 years, IR has seen an increase in the hiring of advanced practice providers (APPs), including nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs); the term "midlevel" is no longer used. IRs are recognizing such benefits as increasing revenue, throughput, billing and interface of APPs with providers/patients. APPs often become the face of IR in the facility. They increase the turnaround times in the IR suite. APPs become an integral part of the IR team...
Grow your professional potential. Volunteer with SIR!
SIR and SIR Foundation encourage members to apply to join an education or clinically-focused committee, or one of the many other committees that fit your area of expertise or interest.
These committees offer you opportunities to influence the practice and study of medicine, network with colleagues in your field of expertise, and participate in leadership activities of the Society and SIR Foundation.
Volunteer TodaySIR Shorts: 10-minute cases
SIR members only: SIR Shorts are short videos for quick reference material. Use the filters to sort by education pathway. The NP and PA Section was first to create SIR Shorts, featuring eight videos on chest ports!
VIEW ON DEMANDThe Kinked Wire Podcast: Episode 40 The potential of advance practice providers in interventional radiology
Host Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR, speaks with SIR NP&PA Section Chair Carrie Hayes, PA, and Membership Chair Nick Oravetz, PA, about how advanced practice providers (APPs) can help interventional radiologists meet the needs of patients, paths to becoming a PA or NP in IR, and more.
LISTEN NOWThe NP and PA Continuing Education Committee provides newsletters highlighting current and upcoming activities for section members. Read about NPs and PAs at SIR's Annual Scientific Meeting, educational offerings and more!
View Current Newsletter