SIR Sections

Association of Program Directors in Interventional Radiology

The purpose of the APDIR is to address the educational and regulatory issues that affect the training of future interventional radiologists. The APDIR shall work to stimulate interest in and to provide guidelines for teaching and training in the field of interventional radiology.

Recent past APDIR Meetings

APDIR Education Meeting 
Wednesday, October 8, 2025
San Diego, CA
This meeting will be co-located with SIR EDGE 2025


APDIR membership

The APDIR shall organize or develop meetings, seminars and other educational activities appropriate to its purpose. The APDIR will hold an Annual Business Meeting during the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology. An annual Educational Meeting may be held at a separate time and location as determined by the APDIR Board of Directors.

Membership in APDIR is assigned to an individual institutions:

  • Active membership: All institutions within the United States that have at least one of the following ACGME-accredited training programs: integrated interventional radiology residency, independent interventional radiology residency, or vascular and interventional radiology fellowship, are eligible for active membership. ESIR-only programs may choose to be an Active Member or an Associate Member.
  • Associate membership: All other radiology training programs, including ESIR-only programs, non-ACGME-accredited IR fellowship programs, and programs seeking initial IR residency accreditation, are eligible for associate membership. Radiology training programs recognized by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RSPSC) are also eligible for associate membership. Representatives from training programs with associate membership may not vote or hold office. 

For information about APDIR membership, please contact 



ESIR only benefits    


<p>APDIR 2023-2024 Leadership (from left to right): President-elect, Jeffrey L. Weinstein, MD, FSIR, Immediate Past-president, Aaron Fischman, MD, FSIR, Membership Councilor, Geogy Vatakencherry, MD, FSIR, President, Minhaj S. Khaja, MD, MBA, FISR, Secretary/Treasurer Quinn C. Meisinger, MD; <em>(not pictured, SIR Graduate Medical Education Councilor, Saher S. Sabri, MD, FSIR, Rex M. Pillai, Councilor-at-large)</em></p>
<p><a title="Independent match resources" href="/link/da64e408b6cc4bf2a5966a4826454c92.aspx"><img title="Independent match resources" src="/link/e936031010d448aa810b194e54359595.aspx" alt="Independent match resources" width="529" height="193" /></a></p>

APDIR 2023-2024 Leadership (from left to right): President-elect, Jeffrey L. Weinstein, MD, FSIR, Immediate Past-president, Aaron Fischman, MD, FSIR, Membership Councilor, Geogy Vatakencherry, MD, FSIR, President, Minhaj S. Khaja, MD, MBA, FISR, Secretary/Treasurer Quinn C. Meisinger, MD; (not pictured, SIR Graduate Medical Education Councilor, Saher S. Sabri, MD, FSIR, Rex M. Pillai, Councilor-at-large)

Independent match resources

2024-2025 APDIR Board of Directors

  • PresidentJeffrey L. Weinstein, MD, FSIR, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
  • President-electQuinn C. Meisinger, MD, University of California, San Diego, CA
  • Immediate Past President Minhaj S. Khaja, MD, MBA, FSIR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Secretary TreasurerGeogy Vatakencherry, MD, FSIR, Kaiser Permanente, Los Angeles, CA
  • Membership CouncilorJoanna Kee-Sampson, MD, University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL
  • Councilor at large – Rex M. Pillai, MD, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA
  • SIR Graduate Medical Education Division Councilor– Saher S. Sabri, MD, FSIR, MedStar Georgetown, Washington, DC
  • SIR RFS Chair ex-officio – Avik Som, MD, PhD, Massachusettes General, Boston, MA
  • SIR President ex-officioAlda L. Tam, MD, FSIR, MD Anderson, Houston, TX


2024-2025 APDIR standing committees    

  • Survey Committee – Chair: Rakesh C. Navuluri, MD, FSIR
  • Match Committee - Chair: Matthew J. Ccheidt, MD, FSIR
  • Education Main Committee 
    • Courses Subcommittee – Chair: Luke R. Wilkins, MD, FSIR
    • Curriculum Subcommittee – Chair: Joshua D. Kuban, MD, FSIR  
  • Faculty Development Committee 
  • Communications Committee
  • Membership Rules Committee

IR Residency

The APDIR community is a closed community exclusively for program directors, associate program directors and program coordinators of APDIR programs.  


  • Volunteer for APDIR Committees 
  • Participate in "Trainees First" an abstract mentoring program for program directors and residents.  
  • Webinars- Visit the Learning Center to download webinars related to the IR Residency.
  • SIR Connect APDIR forum- Visit the APDIR forum to access resources in the library and discussion posts on IR residency program applications and IR residency program implementation.