You belong in SIR

Who belongs in SIR?

You do!

SIR is comprised of interventional radiology professionals in various stages of their careers. SIR offers membership categories for every career phase. Current membership categories include

  • Member: Includes any U.S. or non-U.S. physician who has completed formal training in an interventional radiology residency or IR fellowship or has a special interest and competency in IR
  • Member-in-training: Includes medical students, residents and fellows who are enrolled in formal training towards IR
  • Associate: Includes physicians and nonphysicians who have special interest or competency in IR but do not qualify for the Member or Member-in-training categories


Physicians holding a degree of doctor of medicine (MD), doctor of osteopathy (DO), or equivalent medical degree as determined by the Board of Directors and who has completed formal IR training as a resident or fellow, or has a special interest and competency in IR may join SIR as a Member. Any individual who holds a doctor of philosophy (PhD) and has a special interest and competency in IR research may also join in the Member category in lieu of being an Associate member.

Member categories include: 

  • Active Members—Physicians who are board certified in diagnostic radiology and practice interventional radiology
  • Active Members (first year of practice)—Physicians who are in their first year out of training

Become a member


Trainees are eligible to join SIR as Members-in-training in these categories:

  • Medical students—For individuals who have been accepted to or are currently enrolled in medical school and are interested in pursuing a career in interventional radiology.  
  • Residents—For physicians currently enrolled in either an integrated IR residency, independent IR residency or diagnostic radiology residency programs.   
  • Scientists-in-training—For graduate students or postdoctoral students who have an interest in interventional radiology research. 

Become a member-in-training


The Associates category will include those physicians, scientists and nonphysician medical professionals who have special interest and competency related to IR, but do not qualify to be Member or Member-in-training. 

  • Nonphysician Associates—Medical professionals working in IR are eligible for Associate membership. This includes but is not limited to nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs) and practice administrators. 
  • International Associates—Non-U.S. physicians who live and practice outside of the United States, hold a MD, DO or equivalent medical degree as determined by the Board of Directors and who have completed formal IR training as a resident or fellow, or  have a special interest and competency in IR are eligible for Associate membership.  International associate physicians are also eligible for to apply as a Member
  • Physician Associates—Physicians who have not completed formal IR training but have a special interest and competency in IR.  Physician associates are also eligible for to apply as a Member
  • Scientist Associates—Scientists who have a PhD and a special interest and competency in IR research are eligible for the Associate or Member categories.  

Become an Associate