Get the facts about fibroids

The fibroid fix: What women need to know

Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) avoids surgery, preserves the uterus, controls symptoms and improves quality of life.

Many women diagnosed with uterine fibroids are not being given the information they need to make informed decisions about their health. SIR's new report based on a survey on 1,122 American women and decades of scientific research, show that women aren't aware of a safe, effective fibroid treatment that avoids hysterectomy and speeds recovery. 

Read the report

Is UFE right for you? Figure out your fibroid fix.

Don't let your life be disrupted by fibroids. Fibroids can be fixed and an interventional radiologist—or IR—can help. Use the tools below to start a conversation with your doctor about whether UFE is right your you. 

What is UFE?

An IR can perform a treatment called uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) to avoid surgery, preserve your uterus, control symptoms and improves quality of life.

UFE Listicle.png

Learn about UFE

Is UFE right for you?

Use this checklist during your next appointment with your OB-GYN or primary care physician to start a discussion about UFE and its potential to help treat your uterine fibroids.



Take the next step

An IR can help you understand if UFE is right for you. IRs are board-certified physicians who use imaging guidance to deliver minimally invasive, targeted treatments with a quicker recovery.

Use the SIR Doctor Finder to find a UFE specialist near you. 


Find a UFE specialist

UFE was right for them

Hear from patients like you about why they chose UFE to treat their fibroids. Read or watch their patient stories below.

Jennifer's journey

"My mom had had a hysterectomy, along with my grandma and nearly every woman in my family. But I broke that cycle. By sharing my story, I’ve been able to help other women."

Read more on the Society for Women's Health Research blog.

Read Jennifer's story

Jeannie's return

“The low invasiveness of this process was tremendous. The recovery for me was tremendous. As I talk about this with my team … I show them my little pinhole prick here. That this is where my treatment started. That is where my back to quality of living started.”

Watch Jeannie's story on SIR's YouTube channel.

Hear from Jeannie

Physician resources

SIR members can access tools to help inform patients about their fibroid treatment options. Login to access the toolkit.