Exhibiting and corporate support


June 5-7, 2025
Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel
17 East Monroe Street, Chicago

Information on exhibiting and corporate support

The Practicum provides attendees with the most current and beneficial information as they begin their first years of practice in IR. 

Designed to prepare graduating residents for practice in both academic and private practice settings, the practicum covers a diverse range of topics, including:

  • Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
  • Interventional Oncology
  • Venous Interventions
  • Men & Women's Health
  • Dialysis Access
  • Pain Management
  • Biliary
  • Stroke
  • Thyroid
  • And the Business of IR




Exhibiting at the IR Residency Practicum ensures your company's presence at SIR's dedicated education course for future leaders in the field. Exhibits will be practical, streamlined, accessible and enduring.

Standard tabletop exhibit  —  $4,750

Exhibiting includes:

  • 6-foot draped/skirted tabletop, wastebasket
  • (2) chairs
  • (3) complimentary full access badges
  • (2) additional complimentary badges (CAP Partner exclusive)
  • pre- and post-meeting attendee lists
  • prominent placement in high traffic areas immediately proximate to general session room
  • complimentary participation in hands-on workshops



Exhibitor Marketplace coming soon!



IR Residency Practicum Exhibiting Schedule

Wednesday, June 4, 2025

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Exhibitor set-up


Thursday, June 5, 2025

7:00 a.m.

Access to exhibit hall

8:00 a.m.

Program begins

9:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Exhibiting hours

9:45 - 10:00 a.m.

Morning break

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.


2:45 - 3:00 p.m.

Afternoon break

3:15 - 4:15 p.m.

Workshop setup (located at exhibit booths)

4:30 - 6:00 p.m.

Hands-on workshop and reception (located at exhibit booths)

6:00 p.m.

Program ends


Friday, June 6, 2025

7:00 a.m.

Access to exhibit hall

8:00 a.m.

Program begins

9:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Exhibiting hours

9:30 - 9:45 a.m.

Morning break

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.


2:30 - 2:45 p.m.

Afternoon break

3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Exhibitor dismantle


Saturday, June 7, 2024

Exhibitor personnel are welcome to attend the Residency Practicum’s Saturday programming. However, there will be no exhibition or corporate activities on this day.


Complimentary hands-on workshop participation

Exhibiting at the IR Residency Practicum comes with our invitation to join the hands-on workshops as a complimentary opportunity. Bring impactful device demonstrations to these future specialists using your sample devices, your models or simulators of choice, and your expert trainers.  Any and all devices currently used in modern IR practice are welcome.  

Hands-On Workshop: Current and New Devices in Interventional Radiology

Date TBA | Room TBA | Times TBA

Please register to participate in this workshop through your registered exhibitor account.



Corporate symposia

Deliver your company's message in an exclusive, 40-minute session that will be presented seamlessly within the course day. 

Promotion of your symposium will be included in all meeting materials delivered directly to attendees.

Corporate symposia are held in the meeting's general session room and do not require the sponsor to make audiovisual arrangements. Meal service will be provided by SIR for breakfast and lunch sessions, respectfully.

The meeting A/V setup will be included for use in your symposium session (upgrades may be arranged with the hotel A/V service provider). Presentations should be brought to the AV technician at least one hour in advance for uploading and to address any questions.

For any additional AV upgrades, please complete the AV exhibitor services form. 

Available symposia with pricing

      Day                 Date             Type            

                 Time                       (Subject to Minor Change)

 Thursday    June 5  Pre-Lunch  11:15 AM - 12:00 PM  $17,500
 Friday    June 6  Breakfast  7:15 AM - 8:00 AM  $12,500
 Friday  June 6  Pre-Lunch  11:15 AM - 12:00 PM  $17,500
 Saturday   June 7  Breakfast  7:15 AM - 8:00 AM  $7,500




Corporate email blasts to a curated audience

SIR will send an eblast of your content, messaging, and design, to a targeted list of subscribed SIR trainees. Opportunity must be utilized in calendar year 2024 – please inquire if this timing does not suit your strategy.

Targeted SIR Corporate Eblasts — $4,500 

Please see the specs and process for submitting corporate eblasts here: SIR Corporate Email Blast Submissions




Sponsorship Opportunities

Ensure a prominent presence for your company and messaging.

  • Hotel Keycards (Exclusive Opportunity, No Production Fees) – $10,000
  • Corporate E-blast (Distribution to Practicum Attendees and Select SIR Audiences) – $4,500
  • Room Drop – Hotel Room Delivery To Each Attendee/Guest (No Hotel Fees Apply!) – $3,500 (Pending approval)




IR Practicum exhibitor badge registration

Each person wishing to attend and participate in the proceedings of this meeting is required to register for a meeting badge.


  1. Please begin at the registration page.

  2.  Login with your SIR username and password (first-time registrants will need to create new credentials). Confirm your billing and contact information.

  3. Complimentary exhibitor badges are based on your purchase of a standard exhibit plus whether your company has a corporate membership (CAP Partner) with SIR.

  4. Additional exhibitor registrations are $500 each.

  5. Proceed to the Registration Summary page and scroll to the bottom.
    • Click on "Pay Now for this Registrant."
    • To receive each eligible complimentary badge, a coupon promo code must be entered. Please contact Liam McNicholl at lmcnicholl@sirweb.org or (571) 481-6211 for this code. Once received, enter the code and click “Apply.” This will discount your price to $0. The Payment section will not require you to enter payment information.

  6. Click on "Complete Registration."


Hotel and lodging

Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel
17 East Monroe Street, Chicago
View travel and hotel accommodations information.



View Program


Rates and Policies

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Hotel & Travel
